2022 Executive Board Elections

2022 Executive Board Elections

Nominations for the Executive Board were held at the March 23, 2022 Virtual General Membership Meeting. All voting for the upcoming 2022 Annual Executive Board Elections will be conducted online. There will be an election for City Sector Representative, K-12 Sector...
Upcoming Events at the Museum of Vancouver

Upcoming Events at the Museum of Vancouver

Greetings Members: Please find below links to information about some upcoming events from the Museum of Vancouver: Reconciliation — MOV | Museum of Vancouver World Autism Acceptance Day at MOV — MOV | Museum of Vancouver
Virtual Evening with Dr. Cornel West!

Virtual Evening with Dr. Cornel West!

Dear Members: Please find attached a message from the CCPA-BC. This year marks CCPA-BC’s 25th anniversary, and we’re starting it with some exciting news for you: in just a few weeks, together with the BC Black History Awareness Society, we will be co-hosting Dr....
City and Parks Mandatory Vaccination Policy

City and Parks Mandatory Vaccination Policy

As you know, the City’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy went into effect last week, resulting in many members being placed on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) as of Friday, January 7, 2022. Also on Friday, we received the Employer’s denial of the policy grievance at the first...
City of Vancouver Mandatory Vaccination Policy Update

City of Vancouver Mandatory Vaccination Policy Update

Update on the Implementation of the City of Vancouver Mandatory Vaccination Policy As most of you will likely have heard through the City Manager’s email update sent yesterday, the City has now postponed the implementation date of their Mandatory Vaccination Policy to...