Union News

K-12 Coordinator’s Bulletin: 2024 Wage Increase

K-12 Coordinator’s Bulletin: 2024 Wage Increase

Dear Vancouver School Board Members: Please find attached a bulletin from the CUPE K-12 Coordinator, which includes important information regarding the July 1, 2024 wage increase. In solidarity, CUPE Local 15

Solidarity with CUPE 1490 Members

Solidarity with CUPE 1490 Members

Greetings Members, Our fellow CUPE 1490 members in Black River-Matheson, Ontario, urgently need our support. They've faced disgraceful treatment from the local mayor and council throughout their winter strike. Please take a moment to send a letter to the mayor and...

Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP)/Life Smart Resources

Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP)/Life Smart Resources

Dear City at el Members, On behalf of the City of Vancouver, please find attached the various mental health and well-being resources available to City et al members. For additional resources, kindly visit the Mental health and well-being resources for staff | City of...

Chartwells Langara Bargaining Update

Dear Chartwells Langara Members: Thank you to the members who attended our Ratification of Bargaining Proposals meetings which were held on December 8, 2023 and December 15, 2023. The members voted overwhelmingly in favour of accepting the bargaining proposals as...

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National Indigenous Veterans Day

President, Warren Williams and 1st Vice-President, Santino Scardillo laying a wreath on behalf of CUPE Local 15 at the National Indigenous Veterans' Day Ceremony at the Cenotaph.

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City et al Tentative Agreement Reached

Dear City et al Members: Your CUPE Local 15 City et al Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement was reached in the late evening of October 16, 2023. We have scheduled a ratification meeting at the Maritime Labour Centre to be held on...

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