Jan 14, 2022
Greetings K-12 Members: You may or may not be aware that pursuant to your CUPE Local 15 collective agreement, you will be eligible for quarantine pay should you have a confirmed case of COVID-19 or any other condition that requires that you have to be in mandatory...
Jan 8, 2022
Greetings K-12 Members:As many of you are aware, there could be the possibility of “functional closures” of schools in the district due to attendance impacts by COVID 19. A “functional closure” means that some schools may be closed, but there will be efforts made to...
Nov 9, 2021
Dear VSB Members: Please see the attachment below regarding an upcoming special meeting to elect a bargaining committee. A hard copy has been sent to your home address that we have on file.
Nov 5, 2021
Dear K-12 members:Attached is a bulletin that contains important information about a survey for the Support Staff Initiative for Recruitment and Retention Enhancement.
Feb 1, 2021