Apr 13, 2021
Greetings, We would like to update members on our recent discussions with the employer regarding the roll out of the K-12 vaccine program.We were hoping to hear something from government last week, but they did not have any answers for us yet.If you were not aware,...
Apr 8, 2021
The VSB has requested vaccines for all employees who may have even only been in a school once a month. The COVID-19 rapid test kits that the VSB piloted in ten schools earlier this year were highly successful. These test kits have been approved for expansion to all...
Apr 7, 2021
The provincial K-12 committees have released new and updated information that will be helpful in your local COVID-19 response effort. Please find the documents below.
Mar 31, 2021
Further to yesterday’s PHO announcement and Deputy Minister’s bulletin, BCCDC Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools and the Provincial COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings have been updated to reflect the amended mask requirements for K-12 staff...
Mar 30, 2021
Please post and/or distribute the attached bulletin. We will be posting the bulletin below to @cupek12bc accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and on https://bcschools.cupe.ca. We ask you to follow these social media accounts and amplify shared news by liking...
Mar 19, 2021
Dear K-12 Members: Please post and/or distribute the attached bulletin. The bulletin attached provides CUPE’s perspective on the positive news from yesterday; that CUPE school support staff will be one of the priority groups to receive the vaccine. The bulletin also...