Deputy Minister’s K-12 Mask Requirement Update Bulletin

Deputy Minister’s K-12 Mask Requirement Update Bulletin

Further to yesterday’s PHO announcement and Deputy Minister’s bulletin, BCCDC Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools and the Provincial COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings have been updated to reflect the amended mask requirements for K-12 staff...
K-12 Updated Information on COVID-19 Bulletin #59

K-12 Updated Information on COVID-19 Bulletin #59

Please post and/or distribute the attached bulletin. We will be posting the bulletin below to @cupek12bc accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and on We ask you to follow these social media accounts and amplify shared news by liking...
Q&A on Updated Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines/Rapid Response Teams

K-12 Bulletin #58 Support Staff Vaccines

Dear K-12 Members: Please post and/or distribute the attached bulletin. The bulletin attached provides CUPE’s perspective on the positive news from yesterday; that CUPE school support staff will be one of the priority groups to receive the vaccine. The bulletin also...
Rent Strike Bargain Campaign

Rent Strike Bargain Campaign

At the February 2021 CUPE Local 15 Executive Board meeting the Executive voted unanimously to circulate information of the Rent Strike Bargain Campaign on behalf of the Vancouver and District Labour Council as follows:At their January 2021 meeting, The Vancouver and...