Dear Vancouver Art Gallery Members:
CUPE Local 15 was emailed the DRAFT Mandatory Vaccination Policy regarding the Vancouver Art Gallery’s intention to institute mandatory vaccinations for all unionized employees on December 17, 2021 at 4:27 p.m. The union was not consulted in the development of this policy and there was no opportunity to review and have good faith discussions before it was sent to the members on the morning of Monday, December 20, 2021.
We are in the process of reviewing the policy and once we have reviewed it, we will be in a better position to respond. The union may file a policy grievance and/or file a Section 54 application at the BC Labour Relations Board (LRB).
The union has a responsibility to uphold the collective agreement rights of all members. Should any of our members suffer an adverse effect on their employment (e.g. placed on leave without pay), the union may be in a position to file a grievance on behalf of that member. Any member who is experiencing an adverse effect on their employment status due to this mandate should contact a shop steward to consider the possibility of filing an individual grievance.
We appreciate that there are strong and varied opinions on this issue.
We are bound by legislation to uphold our duty of fair representation to the entirety of our membership and are doing so by aiming to promote the highest possible level of safety in the workplace while also protecting job security for workers who have helped carry the Vancouver Art Gallery through this extraordinarily challenging time.
Again, more information will be provided once the union has reviewed the policy.
If you need assistance, please contact Gail Johnson, Staff Representative at the CUPE Local 15 office at 604-879-4671. You can also contact us via email at
In Solidarity,

Warren Williams