Union News
K-12 Presidents Council Bulletin – Executive Board Elections 2024 Results
Dear Vancouver School Board Members: Please find attached a bulletin from Kirsten Daub, the CUPE K-12 Coordinator, which includes the results from the recent 2024 Executive Board Elections. In solidarity, CUPE Local 15
VSB Special Meeting Notice – Election of Bargaining Committee – Thursday, May 23, 2024
Dear Vancouver School Board Members: Please see the attachment below regarding an upcoming special meeting to elect a bargaining committee. A hard copy has been sent to your home address that we have on file. We hope to see you at this important meeting!
K-12 Coordinator’s Bulletin: 2024 Wage Increase
Dear Vancouver School Board Members: Please find attached a bulletin from the CUPE K-12 Coordinator, which includes important information regarding the July 1, 2024 wage increase. In solidarity, CUPE Local 15
Bargaining Bulletin #1 – News from the Chartwells Langara Bargaining Committee
April 19, 2024 Greetings Chartwells Members: CUPE LOCAL 15 BARGAINING COMMITTEE The Bargaining Committee met several times over the last six months, reviewing the survey results and continuing our comprehensive analysis of the Collective Agreement. We are now ready to...
Solidarity with CUPE 1490 Members
Greetings Members, Our fellow CUPE 1490 members in Black River-Matheson, Ontario, urgently need our support. They've faced disgraceful treatment from the local mayor and council throughout their winter strike. Please take a moment to send a letter to the mayor and...
Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP)/Life Smart Resources
Dear City at el Members, On behalf of the City of Vancouver, please find attached the various mental health and well-being resources available to City et al members. For additional resources, kindly visit the Mental health and well-being resources for staff | City of...
CUPE HSPBA Professional Fees Application
Greetings Health Science Members of CUPE Local 15, Attached below is the application for the one-time Professional Bodies Fee Reimbursement. The Local will be accepting applications from August 15, 2023, through December 31, 2023. Members must fill out all fields of...
Cyber-Attack on Three Provincial Health Services Managed by HEABC
Dear Vancouver Coastal Health Members: Please see the memo below from Michael Reed covering for Andrew Ledger, National Representative and Health Sector Coordinator, regarding a cyber-attack on three servers managed by the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC)....
Emancipation Day – August 1st
Dear Members, Please see link below from CUPE National regarding Emancipation Day. https://cupe.ca/event/emancipation-day?utm_medium=email&utm_source=CUPEToday
Vancouver School Board Health and Wellness Application Process
To apply for approval to be reimbursed for the Health and Wellness Fund, please follow the following instructions: Retrieve the form from https://vsbworld.sharepoint.com/sites/EmployeeServices/SitePages/Labour-Relations.aspx. Complete the form and send it back...
WorkSafe BC Bulletin – Bears and Other Hazardous Wildlife
Dear Members, Please see WorkSafe bulletin regarding planning for and preventing encounters with bears and other hazardous wildlife.
Vancouver Art Gallery Volunteers for Reclassification Committee
Dear Vancouver Art Gallery Members: We hope that you are enjoying summer! As you all may know, the collective agreement has a provision for a Reclassification and Salary Schedule Committee: 21.(m) Reclassification and Salary Schedule Committee: The parties shall form...
News Release: Honda Celebration of Light Returns to Illuminate Vancouver’s Skyline
Dear Members: Please see attached news release from the City of Vancouver regarding the Honda Celebration of Light. https://vancouver.ca/news-calendar/honda-celebration-of-light-returns-to-illuminate-vancouver-s-skyline.aspx
CUPE BC Vancouver Pride Parade 2023
Greetings CUPE Local 15 Members: Please see invitation below from CUPE BC to their 2023 Vancouver Pride Parade on Sunday, August 6, 2023.
Municipal Pension Plan Annual General Meeting
Dear CUPE Local 15 Municipal Pension Plan Members: Save the date for the online Municipal Pension Plan annual general meeting.Join the meeting to get the facts about your plan. You’ll hear about climate action goals, 2022 financial highlights, investment performance,...
Municipal Pension Plan Annual General Meeting
Dear Langara College Municipal Pension Plan Members: Save the date for the online Municipal Pension Plan annual general meeting.Join the meeting to get the facts about your plan. You’ll hear about climate action goals, 2022 financial highlights, investment...