The General Membership Meeting will be held on April 23, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. using the Zoom platform. You will be sent an invitation by email if the union office has a personal email address on file for you. If you do not receive emails from the union office and would like to attend these meetings, please call us at 604-879-4671 or email us at to update your information. There will be a draw at the end of the meeting and three lucky winners will receive a gift card (retailers TBA at meeting). Child and dependant care reimbursement is available as per eligibility requirements in Local 15 Bylaw Section 31.
Article B.10.1(c) of the CUPE National Constitution allows Honourary Members to attend membership meetings with voice, but no vote. If you are an Honourary Member and would like to attend, please email the office on the day of, or the day prior to the meeting. Notices of Motion (if any) are printed in the Members’ Voice. The agenda and other related meeting documents will be posted closer to the meeting date.