Greetings City et al Members:

Your Bargaining Committee continued to meet over August. We received a framework to settle package from the employer on August 22, 2023. Your committee reviewed and discussed the package that was proposed and responded with our counter package on September 11, 2023. These discussions are positive and are gaining momentum. We are optimistically awaiting their response as we have dates scheduled in the near future.

Thank you for your continued support.

In solidarity,

The City et al Bargaining Committee:
Starla Bayley and Paul Chohan, Co-chairs
Steve Salsman, Staff Representative
Jacqueline Smith, City
Ava Choy, City (Alternate)
Starla Bayley, Parks
Henry Lee, Parks
Henry Williams, Parks (Alternate)
Jacqueline Davis, Ray-Cam
Paul Chohan, Member at Large
Neil Pillay, Member at Large
Warren Williams, President
Sung Wong, CUPE National Representative