An article from the City et al Bargaining Committee (City of Vancouver, Parks, Britannia, and Ray-Cam) is printed in the March issue of the Members’ Voice that you will be receiving next week. The following is a further update to that article that includes new information that was received after the Members’ Voice went to print.

Your City et al Bargaining Committee will be meeting with the employer on March 9, 2021. Additional meeting dates are scheduled on March 30th, April 13th, and April 29th and we have notified the employer we are available 24/7 to bargain our collective agreement. 

We will also be meeting with your shop stewards to discuss additional tactics to help push us towards a new collective agreement. 

We will provide another email update following our meeting with the employer. 

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to your union and to all our members. 

In solidarity,

City et al Bargaining Committee (City, Parks, Britannia, and Ray-Cam)
Warren Williams, CUPE Local 15 President
Santino Scardillo, Chair (City)
Starla Bayley (Parks)
Paul Chohan (City)
Henry Lee (Parks)
Michele Alexander (City)
Tony Zullo (City)
Kyle Larson (Parks)
Ravina Lal, Alternate (City)
Carin Rahmberg, Alternate (Ray-Cam Cooperative Centre)
John Geppert, Local 15 Staff Representative
Steve Salsman, Local 15 Staff Representative
