K-12 COVID-19 Vaccine School Scheduling Information

K-12 COVID-19 Vaccine School Scheduling Information

Vancouver Coastal Health is solely responsible on the selection of schools as to when members will be vaccinated. The Vancouver School Board has no involvement in this selection process. VCH makes their decisions based on the data they have with regards to community...
K-12 Bulletin #65 – Vaccination Appointment Update

K-12 Bulletin #65 – Vaccination Appointment Update

This bulletin outlines the announcement by the Ministry of Labour introducing amendments to the Employment Standards Act that, if passed, will provide all workers with up to three hours of paid leave to get each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. This is very welcome news...
Educational Staff COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Educational Staff COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Please find attached information about the vaccine rollout in schools. Please note the vaccines provided will be Pfizer and Moderna not AstraZeneca. Details are in the attachment from Vancouver Coastal Health. Be aware that the vaccine distribution is solely...
COVID-19 and Mask Requirements Q & A

COVID-19 and Mask Requirements Q & A

The provincial Steering Committee has developed a Q&A document to assist school districts in implementing the recent updates to the Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings regarding mask requirements. The Ministry...
Bulletin #62 – April 12, 2021

Bulletin #62 – April 12, 2021

Hello K-12 Members,The CUPE K-12 Presidents Council, along with CUPE National staff, have started the series of consultation and planning calls with K-12 (including early years) members grouped together by similarity of job duties. The first meeting was held on...