Upcoming Events at the Museum of Vancouver

Upcoming Events at the Museum of Vancouver

Greetings Members: Please find below links to information about some upcoming events from the Museum of Vancouver: Reconciliation — MOV | Museum of Vancouver World Autism Acceptance Day at MOV — MOV | Museum of Vancouver
VSB/CUPE Local 15 Bargaining Update

VSB/CUPE Local 15 Bargaining Update

Greetings VSB Members: Please be advised that our CUPE Local 15 bargaining committee members will begin site visits to your workplaces starting Monday, March 28th, 2022 and will continue until collective bargaining is completed. The purpose of these visits is to...

VSB/CUPE Local 15 Information Bulletin – Compulsory Quarantine

Greetings K-12 Members: We wish to advise members that today, March 24, 2022, the union filed a policy grievance against the employer regarding the payment of wages when a member must enter into compulsory quarantine. The current collective agreement states the...
Virtual Evening with Dr. Cornel West!

Virtual Evening with Dr. Cornel West!

Dear Members: Please find attached a message from the CCPA-BC. This year marks CCPA-BC’s 25th anniversary, and we’re starting it with some exciting news for you: in just a few weeks, together with the BC Black History Awareness Society, we will be co-hosting Dr....