Trustee Election Results

Trustee Election Results

Dear Members: The results of the election that took place at the in-person Annual General Membership meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 for one Trustee position are in. After the nomination process and voting closed, Sheri Nielsen was elected as the Trustee and she...
Ministry Funding for Health Sector

Ministry Funding for Health Sector

Greetings CUPE CBA and HSPBA Members, Please find attached a bulletin from our Health Sector Coordinator, Andrew Ledger, which includes an important update regarding funding for our health sector.
Solidarity with CUPE 1490 Members

Solidarity with CUPE 1490 Members

Greetings Members, Our fellow CUPE 1490 members in Black River-Matheson, Ontario, urgently need our support. They’ve faced disgraceful treatment from the local mayor and council throughout their winter strike. Please take a moment to send a letter to the mayor...
Petition to Support Chartwells Langara Members

Petition to Support Chartwells Langara Members

Greetings Members: Please see attached for a petition to support CUPE Local 15 members working at Chartwells Langara to seek a living wage. In solidarity, Chartwells Langara Bargaining Committee