Nov 21, 2020
Dear CUPE Community Health Members: As you know only too well, the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has hit B.C. with a vengeance in recent weeks. With positive test results moving steadily upward and reaching consecutive daily highs, provincial health authorities...
Nov 18, 2020
November 18, 2020 Dear CUPE Local 15 Members in the Cultural Sector: We hope you are well and finding ways to keep safe despite the difficult circumstances surrounding our current health crisis. These are incredibly challenging and unprecedented times. The COVID-19...
Nov 17, 2020
Please find attached REVISED bulletin #37 – two school closures. In solidarity and safety, Warren Williams President
Nov 11, 2020
In today’s Ministry of Health briefing, Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer, reported 998 new cases of COVID-19 over the past two days, for a total of 18,714 cases in B.C. since the pandemic began. There were 210 new cases in the Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH)...
Oct 29, 2020
To All CUPE 15 City and Parks Members: RE: Vacation Proration Arbitration Award, Members in City and Parks City and Parks members of CUPE Local 15 who have recently had their 2020 vacation entitlement prorated due to Maternity Leave, Parental Leave, or Unpaid Sick...
Oct 23, 2020
Hello Everyone, Please find attached Bulletin #33. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. In solidarity and safety,Warren WilliamsPresident