Vaccines and Expansion of COVID-19 Rapid Test Kits for Schools

Vaccines and Expansion of COVID-19 Rapid Test Kits for Schools

The VSB has requested vaccines for all employees who may have even only been in a school once a month. The COVID-19 rapid test kits that the VSB piloted in ten schools earlier this year were highly successful. These test kits have been approved for expansion to all...
Deputy Minister’s K-12 Mask Requirement Update Bulletin

Deputy Minister’s K-12 Mask Requirement Update Bulletin

Further to yesterday’s PHO announcement and Deputy Minister’s bulletin, BCCDC Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools and the Provincial COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings have been updated to reflect the amended mask requirements for K-12 staff...
Vaccines and Expansion of COVID-19 Rapid Test Kits for Schools

K-12 Updated Information on COVID-19 Bulletin #59

Please post and/or distribute the attached bulletin. We will be posting the bulletin below to @cupek12bc accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and on We ask you to follow these social media accounts and amplify shared news by liking...
Q&A on Updated Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines/Rapid Response Teams

K-12 Bulletin #58 Support Staff Vaccines

Dear K-12 Members: Please post and/or distribute the attached bulletin. The bulletin attached provides CUPE’s perspective on the positive news from yesterday; that CUPE school support staff will be one of the priority groups to receive the vaccine. The bulletin also...