K-12 Presidents Council Bulletin: Rally and Solidarity with Striking 561 Fraser Valley Transit Workers

CUPE BC Update: Local 561 Transit Strike Schedule

Greetings Members: Please see notice below from the CUPE BC Executive Board regarding the Local 561 Transit Strike schedule. Those wishing to show solidarity in person with Local 561 members’ walkout for pensions and wage equity can join the picket this week at three...
International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Greetings Members: Please find a link below for an article from CUPE regarding International Women’s Day. https://cupe.ca/event/international-womens-day?utm_medium=email&utm_source=CUPEToday
Black History Month

Black History Month

Black History should be recognized 365 days a year, and not limited to a single month. Black History acknowledgement is also a time for all Canadians to reflect and educate ourselves on the history of Black enslavement, discrimination and criminalization of...