Greetings K-12 Members:

As many of you are aware, there could be the possibility of “functional closures” of schools in the district due to attendance impacts by COVID 19.

A “functional closure” means that some schools may be closed, but there will be efforts made to mitigate against that closure by having the work performed in another location or possibly remotely. However, remote work is NOT contemplated at this time and will only be considered as a last resort.

Plans are currently being developed by the employer for the possibility of a functional closure and we can’t emphasize enough how “fluid” this is as the situation with Omicron is changing minute by minute.

As mentioned in our previous bulletin, depending on the requirement of some schools and the attendance of students, some members may be moved to a different school in order to mitigate against completely having to close a school.

In most cases, these scenarios could happen at a moment’s notice, so we hope everyone will be patient and supportive during these situations. They will be solely “Attendance Based”.

Details will be forthcoming from your supervisors should this actually have to take place.

We can confirm that there will be NO reduction in rates of pay should a move be contemplated.

There have already been questions regarding transportation and what would happen if you were moved. Members will be compensated for additional mileage from their home school, and if they are utilizing public transit, reimbursement will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Receipts will be required for public transit reimbursement. Claims for additional mileage will require that the mileage claim forms are submitted in a timely fashion.

As we also mentioned previously, all Education Staff are considered Essential Service, and therefore are eligible to have their children attend school as well, so this will address any childcare concerns some members may have.

Not closing schools is a government priority, but we are working to ensure our members safety is the number one priority.

Please ensure that if you have safety concerns in your worksite, that you bring them to the attention of your Administrator as quickly as possible. If there is no action taken, then please let us know and we will assist in resolving the matter.

Also, just as a reminder, should a member have to tend to the illness of a family member, you could be eligible for family illness leave, which is addressed in your collective agreement on page 35.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office. While we may not have all the answers, we will make every effort to get them for you.

Once again, thank you for all your support and patience during these very challenging times.

In Solidarity,

Warren Williams