Museum of Vancouver

Key People
Gail Johnson, Staff Representative
phone: 604-879-4671
If you have questions about your collective agreement or are having issues at work please contact a shop steward. To access a steward call the union office at 604-879-4671 or email us at The steward will liaise with the Staff Representative on your behalf.
Museum of Vancouver Collective Agreement 2022-2026
CUPE and Allies Rally for Public Health Care on Parliament Hill
Please see message at the link below from CUPE National regarding the rally for public health care...
Museums Bargaining Update
Greetings VMM, MOV, and HRMSC Members: In December 2022, we notified the employer of our intent to...
Happy Lunar New Year!
Hello Everyone, CUPE Local 15 Executive and Society boards wants to wish everyone a Happy Lunar...
International Human Rights Day
Greetings Members: Please see article from CUPE National regarding International Human Rights Day...
“We won”: CUPE celebrates defeat of Doug Ford’s anti-worker Bill 28
Dear Members: Please see below message from CUPE National regarding the defeat of Doug Ford’s...
CUPE BC News Release: Ken Sim’s Budget-Slashing Plan
Greetings Members: Please see news release from CUPE BC regarding plans by City of Vancouver...
By-Election Results
Dear Members:The results of the by-elections at the General Membership meeting on Wednesday,...
Museum of Vancouver Members: Meeting Notice for Bargaining Committee
Greetings Members: Please find attached invitation to participate in a meeting with your...
VDLC and NWDLC Endorses Candidates in Our Region
Greetings: Please see message below from Vancouver & District Labour Council (VDLC) and New...
Statement from CUPE BC Regarding National Logo
BURNABY--It has come to our attention that CUPE National's logo is being used to promote a...