Langara College

Key People

Gail Johnson, Staff Representative
phone: 604-879-4671

Rose Palozzi, Lead Shop Steward

You can reach a shop steward by calling the union office at 604-879-4671 and leaving a message. If you have a question or concern about your collective agreement, please reach out to one of your shop stewards or send an email to 

Adrian Livesley

Angelica Lillico-Ouachour

Antonius Gunawan

Gitanjali Gill

Krista Kieswetter

Sophie Bennett

Matthew Tewkesbury

Micah Von Graffe


Job Evaluation Committee:

Rose Palozzi

Occupational Health & Safety Committee:

Sandy Conners

Theresa Kristoff

Rita Yip

Molly Chow


Langara College Collective Agreement

Langara College MOA 2022-2025

Trustee Election Results

Trustee Election Results

Dear Members: The results of the election that took place at the in-person Annual General...