Vancouver Coastal Health
Key People
Lucia Rincon, Lead Shop Steward – HSPBA
phone: 604-879-4671 (Messages)
Bobby Burgess, Lead Shop Steward – HSSCBA
phone: 604-879-4671 (Messages)
If you have questions about your collective agreement or are having issues at work please contact a shop steward. To access the Vancouver Coastal Health Steward Line (message centre) or to leave a message for the lead shop steward call 604-879-4671 during office hours and ask for the Health Shop Steward line or leave a voicemail after hours in the general mailbox. You can also send an email to
HSSCBA Summary of Changes 2022-2025
HSSCBA Collective Agreement 2022-2025
HSSCBA Wage Schedule Effective April 1, 2024
HSPBA 2022-2025 Comprehensive Report
HSPBA 2022-2025 Collective Agreement
CUPE BC Vancouver Pride Parade 2023
Greetings CUPE Local 15 Members: Please see invitation below from CUPE BC to their 2023 Vancouver...
Municipal Pension Plan Annual General Meeting
Dear CUPE Local 15 Municipal Pension Plan Members: Save the date for the online Municipal Pension...
Upcoming Classifications Review for HSPBA Members Bulletin
Greetings Vancouver Coastal Health HSPBA Members: Please find the attached bulletin from CUPE...
2023 Executive Election Results
After the nomination process closed, Vanessa Mani was acclaimed as Trustee, Henry Lee was...
Executive Elections – Important Dates: May 16-23, 2023
Dear Members: The polls for the 2023 Executive Elections are now open and will close on Tuesday,...
Executive Board Elections – Voting Link
Electronic voting for the Executive Board Elections are open now from Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at...
2023 Executive Board Elections
Dear Members: Nominations for the Executive Board were held at the March 22, 2023 Virtual General...
Childcare Funding
Greetings Members: OneCity Vancouver is holding a letter-writing campaign for the VSB to budget...
Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 118 | Strike Notice
Dear Members: Please see attached notice from the Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 118....
May Day Rally | May 1, 2023
Greetings Members: Please see the poster above regarding the May Day Rally. The International...