
Member Bursaries – Full-Time and Part-Time Studies
Ten full-time bursaries and ten part-time bursaries are available annually to CUPE Local 15 members. Full-time bursaries are to a maximum of $1,200 of tuition only and part-time bursaries are to a maximum of $600 of tuition only. Bursaries are paid directly to the institution upon receipt of invoices and proof of registration. Bursaries will be paid in two equal amounts; half applied to the first semester attended during the academic year, and half applied to second semester attended. The academic year is defined as September to the following August.
Application forms for the following academic year will be available on the CUPE 15 website the fourth week of May with an application deadline of the last Friday in June. The union office will also have hard copies available. The Member Bursary Policy outlines eligibility requirements and is printed on page 2 of the application form.
To be eligible for a full-time or part-time bursary, the member must be a current member of the union in good standing at the time of application and must demonstrate a primary attachment to CUPE Local 15 by holding union membership through a minimum of six months employment for each of the two years prior to the date of enrolment. The applicant must be pursuing a field of study not in contradiction to the aims of the labour movement and must be attending a Canadian public post-secondary institution, and beginning or continuing full-time or part-time studies as defined by the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act. Students receiving scholarship funding equal to or in excess of full tuition are not eligible. Students receiving partial funding from other sources will be eligible for the amount of remaining unpaid tuition, up to the bursary maximum.
The award selection will be approved by the Society Board. Awards will be based upon the highest level of aggregate service, measured from the start date. A member may only be awarded a bursary once every four years.
Dependant Bursaries – Full-Time Studies Only
Ten dependant bursaries are available annually to dependants of CUPE Local 15 members. Dependant bursaries are to a maximum of $1,200 of tuition only. Bursaries are paid directly to the institution upon receipt of invoices and proof of registration. Bursaries will be paid in two equal amounts; half applied to the first semester attended during the academic year, and half applied to second semester attended. The academic year is defined as September to the following August.
To be eligible for a dependant bursary, the member/dependant must be a current member of the union in good standing at the time of application. The member must demonstrate a primary attachment to CUPE Local 15 by holding union membership through a minimum of six months employment for each of the two years prior to the date of enrolment. The dependant must be pursuing a field of study not in contradiction to the aims of the labour movement and must be attending a Canadian public post-secondary institution, and beginning or continuing full-time studies as defined by the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act. Students receiving scholarship funding equal to or in excess of full tuition are not eligible. Students receiving partial funding from other sources will be eligible for the amount of remaining unpaid tuition, up to the bursary maximum.
The award selection will be approved by the Society Board. Awards will be based upon the highest level of aggregate service of the member, measured from the start date. Dependant bursary awards are limited to one per member every four years.
Application Process
The application period is June of each year. The form will be available here the last Friday of May each year. The union office will also have hard copies available. Application forms for both Member and Dependant bursaries must be received at the Union office by June 30th.
CUPE BC Scholarship
CUPE BC offers the Aubrey Burton/Reg Ford Memorial Scholarship to CUPE members, their spouses or their children at a level of four scholarships of $500.00 each. For more information on the application process please visit cupe.bc.ca.
The scholarships are named in memory of two long-time CUPE activists:
Aubrey Burton
Aubrey Burton was a CUPE Representative in the Kootenays during the 1960s. Before CUPE was formed, many locals hired business representatives from within their ranks to represent them, and that was the case with Aubrey. He was a Trail Civic Worker but also worked for other locals in the Kootenays. When CUPE was officially formed in 1963, he became a Staff Representative. Along with fellow Staff Representative Peter Drieger, Aubrey serviced CUPE locals throughout BC outside of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. Together, Drieger and Burton were credited with organizing many small communities into CUPE and negotiating first agreements that contained no contracting-out language. Aubrey was killed in a car accident on the Upper Levels highway. He was working for CUPE at the time of his death.
Reg Ford
Reg Ford was President of CUPE 402 for several years in the late 1970s and early 80s. Also a Vice-President of CUPE BC, he was well known as a health and safety activist. Tragically, he was killed in an accident at his home while trimming a tree in his yard. Reg was very active in the labour movement at the time of his passing.