About CUPE 15

CUPE Local 15 Executive Board:
Warren Williams
1st Vice-President
Santino Scardillo
2nd Vice-President
Ravina Lal
Debbie Mohabir
Health Sector Representative – HSSCBA
Roxshanna Shankar
Health Sector Representative – HSPBA
Lucia Rincon
City Sector Representatives
Paul Chohan
Aaron Cook
College/University Sector Representatives
Rose Palozzi
Sophie Bennett
Park Sector Representatives
Bernie Dionne
Henry Lee
K-12 Sector Representatives
Cynthia Schadt
Chris Brown
Cultural Sector Representative
Courtney Gillen
Vanessa Mani
Sheri Nielsen
Seagrin Worster
How CUPE 15 Works
Some of the key services Local 15 provides to its members are:
- Negotiates with employers for fair and respectful wages, benefits and working conditions.
- Ensures that all members work in a safe and healthy workplace
- Supports members against unfair treatment and harassment
- Ensures that all provisions of the Collective Agreement are upheld by employers
- Represents members’ interests to employers, governments, and in the community
- Has specialized staff to fully represent members including Job Evaluation and Legal Representatives
CUPE Local 15 Structure
CUPE Local 15-VMECW members work for 18 different employers which are separate individual bargaining units. All Local 15 bargaining units are divided into six sectors.
- City of Vancouver
- Vancouver Fire Fighters’ Union – Local 15 (Support Staff)
- Chartwells (Langara College Cafeteria)
- Emily Carr University
- Students’ Union of VCC
- Langara College
- Langara Students’ Union
- H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
- Vancouver Art Gallery
- Vancouver Maritime Museum
- Museum of Vancouver
- Vancouver Coastal Health
- Britannia Community Services Centre Society
- Carnegie Community Centre Association
- Ray-Cam Cooperative Association
- West End Community Centre Association (Little Sprout Pre-school)
- Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
- Vancouver School Board