
About Us
CUPE Local 15 was organized over 100 years ago and has over 8,000 members working for 17 employers located in the Metro Vancouver area. Our members work in a diversity of jobs, including educational, administrative, recreational, health care, technical, cultural, and residential with the majority within the public sector.
Local 15 is a chartered affiliate of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and is also affiliated with the CUPE British Columbia Division, CUPE Metro District Council, the Vancouver & District Labour Council, and the BC Federation of Labour. CUPE 15 is a member of the Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM).
Executive Board and Staff
The election of officers (Executive Board and Trustees) is conducted electronically using an online system that has been approved by the membership. All positions are elected for three year terms. When required, the election will take place in May with the results being announced at the Annual General Meeting on the fourth Wednesday in May. Each sector has one or two elected representatives called Sector Representatives who are responsible for liaising with the specific bargaining unit. The President and Secretary-Treasurer are full time officers of the union. Local 15 also employs its own specialized staff who are an important part of our local. In addition, National Representatives are assigned to Local 15 through CUPE National.
Affiliations and Memberships
CUPE Local 15 is affiliated and/or has membership with:
- CUPE National
- CUPE British Columbia Provincial Division
- CUPE Metro District Council
- The BC Federation of Labour
- The Vancouver and District Labour Council
- The Canadian Association of Labour Media
Delegates to CUPE Metro District Council and the Vancouver and District Labour Council are periodically elected by the membership at a general membership meeting. Delegates to the CUPE BC Convention are elected at the January General Membership Meeting.
How CUPE 15 Works
Some of the key services Local 15 provides to its members are:
- Negotiations with employers for fair and respectful wages, benefits and working conditions
- Ensures that all members work in a safe and healthy workplace
- Supports members against unfair treatment and harassment
- Works to ensure that all provisions of the Collective Agreement are upheld by employers
- Represents members’ interests to employers, governments, and in the community
- Specialized staff to fully represent members including Job Evaluation and Legal Representatives
CUPE Local 15 Structure
CUPE Local 15-VMECW members work for 18 different employers which are separate individual bargaining units. All Local 15 bargaining units are divided into six sectors.
- City of Vancouver
- Vancouver Fire Fighters’ Union – Local 15 (Support Staff)
- Chartwells (Langara College Cafeteria)
- Emily Carr University
- Students’ Union of VCC
- Langara College
- Langara Students’ Union
- H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
- Vancouver Art Gallery
- Vancouver Maritime Museum
- Museum of Vancouver
- Vancouver Coastal Health
- Britannia Community Services Centre Society
- Carnegie Community Centre Association
- Ray-Cam Cooperative Association
- West End Community Centre Association (Little Sprout Pre-school)
- Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
- Vancouver School Board